
Facing Fear: The Courage to Swim Upstream

Facing Fear: The Courage to Swim Upstream

The journey of the salmon is one of the most amazing phenomena in nature.  How is it that after years in the sea, they can locate the exact stream in which they were born and pursue their upstream return home?

Permission to Be ‘Messy’

Permission to Be ‘Messy’

Have you noticed that the experience of suffering is provoked when we don’t give ourselves, and others, permission to simply be where we are in any given moment before we swiftly demand clarity, decision-making, certainty or assert ourselves into fix-it and change-it mode?

Essential Happiness and Freedom

Essential Happiness and Freedom

Have you longed for a particular relationship, job, creating a family or a spiritual realization only to discover that after achieving these things you’re still struggling; still not happy? You discover that these accomplishment themselves are not inherently the key to your deeper sense of happiness?

Authentic Leaders, Our Modern Day Pioneers

Authentic Leaders, Our Modern Day Pioneers

An authentic leader is someone who understands and practices embracing every moment as an opportunity to make a conscious choice rather than default to a conditioned pattern or the expectations of a culture, company or loved one.

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

For much of my life I was caught in the web of what I call, ‘The Self-Improvement Campaign’. This ‘campaign’ is the false notion that somehow we are deficient.   Therefore, in order to be happy,  successful and belong we have to improve ourselves.  In the process we compare ourselves to others and the ideas of who we think we should be.  What we end up feeling is a disconnect on the inside.

What Is At Risk Speaking Your Truth?

What Is At Risk Speaking Your Truth?

How will inviting conscious conversations into your life create more authenticity and joy? Whether we look through the view of building a conscious business, intimate relationships or spiritual transformation, one of the basic tenets for living an authentic life is through allowing our immediate experience and life to be our teacher.