conditioned mind

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

For much of my life I was caught in the web of what I call, ‘The Self-Improvement Campaign’. This ‘campaign’ is the false notion that somehow we are deficient.   Therefore, in order to be happy,  successful and belong we have to improve ourselves.  In the process we compare ourselves to others and the ideas of who we think we should be.  What we end up feeling is a disconnect on the inside.

‘Whac-A-Mole’, A Mirror of the Conditioned Mind!

‘Whac-A-Mole’, A Mirror of the Conditioned Mind!

What does it feel like when you push away what’s true for you, or find it difficult to connect to a deeper part of you? Maybe you don’t want to jeopardize a relationship when you feel you need to stay connected, even when there isn’t a deeper alignment with your integrity, vision or how they are showing up to meet you.