conscious relationship

Anger: Suppress or Express?

Anger: Suppress or Express?

Anger is something that everyone experiences, at one level or another, and it needs to be expressed to maintain emotional health and intimacy. Most people have a murky relationship with anger and how to express it in a way that isn’t hurtful to oneself or others.

Permission to Be ‘Messy’

Permission to Be ‘Messy’

Have you noticed that the experience of suffering is provoked when we don’t give ourselves, and others, permission to simply be where we are in any given moment before we swiftly demand clarity, decision-making, certainty or assert ourselves into fix-it and change-it mode?

Falling In Love with ‘Potential’

Falling In Love with ‘Potential’

Last night I was nourished by a home-cooked meal and the wisdom of a dear friend as he shared about his last relationship and the vision he set forth when it ended. Part of his vision was, ‘I want to be attracted to reality not the ‘potential’ of something or someone.’ This resonated deeply for me.

Authentic Leaders, Our Modern Day Pioneers

Authentic Leaders, Our Modern Day Pioneers

An authentic leader is someone who understands and practices embracing every moment as an opportunity to make a conscious choice rather than default to a conditioned pattern or the expectations of a culture, company or loved one.

‘Whac-A-Mole’, A Mirror of the Conditioned Mind!

‘Whac-A-Mole’, A Mirror of the Conditioned Mind!

What does it feel like when you push away what’s true for you, or find it difficult to connect to a deeper part of you? Maybe you don’t want to jeopardize a relationship when you feel you need to stay connected, even when there isn’t a deeper alignment with your integrity, vision or how they are showing up to meet you.

What Is At Risk Speaking Your Truth?

What Is At Risk Speaking Your Truth?

How will inviting conscious conversations into your life create more authenticity and joy? Whether we look through the view of building a conscious business, intimate relationships or spiritual transformation, one of the basic tenets for living an authentic life is through allowing our immediate experience and life to be our teacher.

Authentic Leadership Guidance

Authentic Leadership Guidance

There is a leadership paradigm emerging that calls upon each one of us to muster the courage to bring all of who we are into everything we do; the brilliant parts, the messy parts, the aspects we hide and the traits we feel most proud of.  In fact, it’s a requirement for the changes in consciousness that are being called forth today that we expand our awareness to equally welcome our imperfect human behaviors and our divinely inspired expressions.

Welcome to Revealing Wisdom!

Welcome to Revealing Wisdom!

It has taken me years to be clear about my true passion and to build a business doing what I LOVE.   Since 2003, when I left my corporate career, I have been challenging many assumptions I’ve had about all the aspects of my life.  I have been asking myself, “Can I really support my life by doing what I love? Isn’t work supposed to be sweat and tears?”

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

As a neutral guide I help you to navigate difficult conversations and conflict between you and your business partners, intimate partner, teams, work cultures and communities. Those who come to me are invested in moving from conflict and confusion into resolution and cooperative solutions.

Mind-Body Integrative Counsel

Mind-Body Integrative Counsel

Mind-body ‘counsel’ supports self-discovery through accessing blind spots, habitual patterns, thoughts, beliefs and emotions that reside within and outside of the conscious mind.  I listen to and communicate with your innate intelligence and wisdom from the levels of your mind, physical body, emotions and spirit.