radical acceptance

Permission to Be ‘Messy’

Permission to Be ‘Messy’

Have you noticed that the experience of suffering is provoked when we don’t give ourselves, and others, permission to simply be where we are in any given moment before we swiftly demand clarity, decision-making, certainty or assert ourselves into fix-it and change-it mode?

Falling In Love with ‘Potential’

Falling In Love with ‘Potential’

Last night I was nourished by a home-cooked meal and the wisdom of a dear friend as he shared about his last relationship and the vision he set forth when it ended. Part of his vision was, ‘I want to be attracted to reality not the ‘potential’ of something or someone.’ This resonated deeply for me.

Do Emotions Control or Inform You?

Do Emotions Control or Inform You?

Anxiety and fear are common emotions many of us experience in response to our life circumstances and the uncertainty of transitions and decision points. These emotional states can feel disorienting and we may find ourselves acting out in behaviors or activities that are not healthy or supportive.

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

For much of my life I was caught in the web of what I call, ‘The Self-Improvement Campaign’. This ‘campaign’ is the false notion that somehow we are deficient.   Therefore, in order to be happy,  successful and belong we have to improve ourselves.  In the process we compare ourselves to others and the ideas of who we think we should be.  What we end up feeling is a disconnect on the inside.