Integrative leadership coaching

1:1 Executive Coaching

How a leader attends to the whole is the revolutionary spark needed to lay the foundation for new models of leadership


Evolutionary leadership is about integration.

To integrate is to unify separate things — which means as leaders we learn to include all aspects of who we are in order to become our greatest expression.  

Evolutionary leadership includes three areas:

  • how we connect to ourselves — our ability to expand our levels of self-awareness and personal responsibility;

  • how we connect with others — our ability to create safe, vulnerable, emotionally intelligence & authentic relationships

  • how we contribute to the larger systems we are a part of — what role do we play in establishing systems of power-with while interrupting systems of power-over

Embodied leadership is about integrating our values, purpose and passion with how we show up in the world everyday — at work and at home.

The process:

Coaching and transformation is by no means a linear process, however there are basics that build upon each level of remembering, expansion, growth and change.

Coaching begins with an in-depth discovery process together to isolate both your desired vision and current challenges to determine the approach that will leverage the growth and change you seek.

360 Degree Feedback for Executives:

One of the tools that I have vetted and chosen to use for immersive executive development is the leadership circle profile 360 assessment.

When appropriate, this integrative and dynamic tool supports leadership assessment from a 360 review.  The process gathers insights from those you report to (when this applies) your direct reports, colleagues, other contributors that know you well and your own self-assessment. 

The map provides us with a sense of how your gifts are leveraging your leadership contributions for you and the organization.  As well as how outdated protective strategies are limiting your potential and inspiring influence. From here we chose targeted areas for your leadership development and personal transformation. 

For more information on the tool, please visit


Do you experience any of the following?

  • high levels of stress and a lack of fulfillment — you sense something else is possible but you’re not sure how to get there

  • challenged by specific team dynamics, such as differing communication styles, needs, and agendas

  • seeking an exit and succession plan — you’re the founder and ready to enter a new phase of your life. On one hand, you want more freedom, and on the other, you fear losing control and purpose. You secretly wonder, “Who will I be without this role, title, status?”

  • loneliness at the top and feeling unappreciated or misunderstood

  • an inability to execute your vision because you’re bogged down by daily operations

  • decision-making paralysis and overwhelm

  • discouraged by the lack of safety and trust that exists in your business culture

Together, we design pragmatic road maps to address your areas of struggle, optimize your vision, and refine your personal leadership.


Three Phases of Revealing Wisdom’s Executive Coaching:

Integrative leadership coaching

⦿ PHASE 1: Leadership & Presence

⦿ PHASE 2: Power, Vulnerability & Relationship Skills

⦿ PHASE 3: Befriending the Shadows - Integrate Your Hidden Powers

Each one of us has hidden powers and
unique personal medicine (bitter and sweet)
to which we apprentice to and curate through
challenge, discipline and mastery
Authentic leadership coaching

My Approach

I work intuitively and strategically.  Together we map out a vision for how you want to grow as a leader and an organization.

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Organizational Development Consulting

Facilitation & Consulting

Integrative Leadership Retreats

Leadership Retreats