Welcome to Revealing Wisdom!

Welcome to Revealing Wisdom!

It has taken me years to be clear about my true passion and to build a business doing what I LOVE.   Since 2003, when I left my corporate career, I have been challenging many assumptions I’ve had about all the aspects of my life.  I have been asking myself, “Can I really support my life by doing what I love? Isn’t work supposed to be sweat and tears?”

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

As a neutral guide I help you to navigate difficult conversations and conflict between you and your business partners, intimate partner, teams, work cultures and communities. Those who come to me are invested in moving from conflict and confusion into resolution and cooperative solutions.

Mind-Body Integrative Counsel

Mind-Body Integrative Counsel

Mind-body ‘counsel’ supports self-discovery through accessing blind spots, habitual patterns, thoughts, beliefs and emotions that reside within and outside of the conscious mind.  I listen to and communicate with your innate intelligence and wisdom from the levels of your mind, physical body, emotions and spirit.